An Oven for Sunny Bus


June 8, 2014 by Mike Oscar Hotel

I was in the yard working on getting the rabbits some grass.  The UPS truck stopped on the street and the delivery man hustled down the driveway with a large box.  As I looked up from my work, I was shocked to see that he was carrying a Camp Chef camping oven.  I was thinking about buying one for the bus, but hadn’t yet saved enough money. I called to the Mrs., who sometimes likes to surprise me with such things. She was as confused as I was on the origin of the package.

camp chef

Turns out, one of my oldest and dearest friends remembered me mentioning it in a conversation and thought the Mrs. ought to have a proper stove for the camper bus.  We were amazed and humbled.

The Camp Chef has two burners and an oven.  It runs on small propane bottles, much like a Coleman stove.  The oven temperature goes to 600 degrees and I believe that it will do it. Today was rainy and we decided to bring it inside and test it.

camp chef reviews

The burners and oven light on their own with no need to singe your fingers with a match or lighter.  The lid over the top burners lifts and wings fold out to protect the flames from wind.  While this review took place inside, the warning labels on the oven say to only use it outside.

camp chef portable oven

The burners are fair sized and will hold a medium sized pan on each. The flames adjust well and bring things to a boil quickly.

camp chef propane oven

The oven has two racks and is adjusted by the center knob.  There aren’t numbers on the knob, so you have to watch the temperature gauge and adjust accordingly.  It’s pretty easy.

will a camp chef boil water

something cooked in a camp chef


Pictured above is the before and after of the flatbread that we cooked.  It was tasty and we didn’t have to wait much longer for it to cook than we would in a regular oven.

Overall, it is a really nice camping tool.  It’s small enough for one person to move and I’m impressed with the way that it functions.  If I was traveling with it, I would want a sturdy case, which the manufacturer provides at an extra charge.  They also sell an optional hose if you want to use larger propane tanks.

I recommend this product. If you spend a lot of time camping, but like some of the comforts of home, this oven is for you.

Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum,

Mike Oscar Hotel

3 thoughts on “An Oven for Sunny Bus

  1. Michael says:

    Well what a nice surprise. Get yourself a suitably sized granite tile at Home depot and heat it well before you pop you bread or pizza in in the oven and it will give you a nice crust.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hello! We just got our camp chef oven in the mail and I was super excited about it until I saw all the warnings labels about it being outdoor only (like you mentioned). We planned on using it in our converted school bus and I think we still will with extra caution and a smoke and carbon monoxide detector. I don’t see how it’s any different than any other propane stove for RVs. Have you been using yours in your tiny home!? Thanks!

    • Hi Rebecca. Sorry about the late response. We’ve since sold the bus and the Camp Chef, but we never had any issues with it. If in doubt, crack a window and you’ll be just fine.

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